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The Lady Ramoth


Welcome! So you found your way to the Magi Keep. The guards will keep a close eye on you if you're just visiting.

What is the Magi Keep? This is a companion page to The Green Dragon Inn. Other companion pages include The House Tempest, The Kindred's Domain, The Sword and Thistle Inn and The Phantasie Crossroads.

What does that mean? All of the above mentioned places are dedicated to free form role-playing (at its finest, might I add). Set in the world of Athania, travelers mix and meet at Inns and Taverns and Houses. Fantasy and Science Fiction, sparked by authors both world renowned and never heard of, are held together with the imagination and creativity every individual player brings into the game, becoming the framework for our growing community.

Please, look around and join us. There is sure to be something for you. By working with the veteran players and by asking questions, we'll do our best to see that you fit right in and are made to feel welcome.

"The Magi-Knights are a sovereign order
Warriors and mages, gathered together
Their oath to protect, heal, and guide
Their bond to three ideals

What are the Magi Knights and what part do they play within the Magi Keep? The Magi Knights are the elite men and women that live within the Magi Keep and atop the Magi Plateau. They are warriors, healers and teachers, and dedicated to serving the common people around them as best they can by protecting, guiding and healing them when needed. The Magi Knights were founded by the Lady of the Magi, Dark Ramoth. It is her efforts that created this place, the Keep, and her efforts that drew you and the others already here.

Lady of the Magi - who is she? The Lady Ramoth is The Lady of the Magi, a title bestowed upon her by the peoples of the land that benefit from the Magi's presence.
Keeper of the Scrolls - who is she? The Keeper of the Scrolls is second only to The Lady of the Magi. It is her duty to record events of importance, and to discover information vital to the Magi's continued success.


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